Google Webmaster Tools Has Announced a New “Index Status” Feature

Google Webmaster Tools has advertised another “Index Status” offer now tracks a site’s listed Urls for every convention (HTTP and HTTPS), and in addition for checked subdirectories.

“This makes it easy for you to monitor different sections of your site,” Google’s announcement said. “For example, the following URLs each show their own data in Webmaster Tools Index Status report, provided they are verified separately:”

Google Webmaster Tool Indexing Data

The announcement highlighted the change in the reports if you have a website on HTTPS, or if some content is indexed under different subdomains. The reports will have an annotation, and look something like this: Continue reading

Google Webmaster Tools Give Users More Link Data

Google Webmaster ToolsGoogle’s Distinguished Engineer Matt Cutts kicked off SES San Francisco this morning by announcing a change to the way Google Webmaster Tools serves backlinks to users. Now, instead of getting a huge list of backlinks in alphabetical order, they are giving a better representation of all the backlinks.

“If I download my backlinks in Webmaster Tools, my list ends at H. If you are Amazon or eBay, you get to,” Cutts said.

When Google is serving 100,000 backlinks in Webmaster Tools, it wasn’t that useful to users when they could get so many results from a single domain, and there was no way to sort them. Continue reading

New Paid And Organic Report Adds By Google AdWords

Google AdWords is introducing a new feature for advertisers to give more data right within the AdWords interface, even when it isn’t paid ads specific. This is part of their campaign to connect data between the Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Webmaster Tools.adwords paid and organic report

The new paid & organic report, which can help advertisers see their search footprints and enable them to determine if there are keyword areas that can be supplemented with paid advertising. It also allows you to view detailed reports to show for particular keywords, how much organic traffic as well as how it advertising traffic you are getting or have the potential to get.

Google suggesting several ways for advertisers confined to the inclusion of organic traffic information beneficial to their business. You can:

  • Look for additional keywords where you might have impressions on natural search, but without any related ads.
  • Use it to optimize your presence for your most important high-value keyword phrases, so you can see where you need to improve your presence.
  • Use it to test website improvements and AdWords changes, as you can compare traffic across both AdWords and organic in the same interface, which enables you to adjust accordingly. Continue reading